The average house price on BOURNE WAY is £890,986
The most expensive house in the street is THE BURROWS, 4B BOURNE WAY with an estimated value of £1,138,266
The cheapest house in the street is 6 BOURNE WAY with an estimated value of £610,543
The house which was most recently sold was 4A BOURNE WAY, this sold on 2 Apr 2019 for £727,500
The postcode for BOURNE WAY is GU22 9QU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4A BOURNE WAY Detached , 158 m2 £906,344 £727,500 2 Apr 2019
4 BOURNE WAY Detached , 134 m2 £856,492 £546,000 16 Apr 2014
5 BOURNE WAY Detached £943,286 £210,000 1 Apr 1999
6 BOURNE WAY Detached £610,543 £332,500 2 Jul 2009
THE BURROWS, 4B BOURNE WAY Detached £1,138,266 £915,000 3 Sep 2018